Do You Have The Resume Power?

Do You Have The Resume Power?

Wondered why do the experts stress more on resume building during employment search? The ability that a well-written resume possesses is far more dominating than that possessed by any other official document. It is a guaranteed instrument that brings in the expected job prospects even in a hard-bitten contest.

“Hi, I’m Resume and You Are?”

Most of the desperate job seekers have heard about resume and only heard, but, they never made an attempt to know more about this crucial tool. In order to put a good fight in the job competition, it is necessary for you to get introduced to the resume. So, what do you call a resume? A mere piece of paper? Certainly not! This is where the candidates put themselves on the back foot while dealing with their doomed careers.

Resume Introduction

A resume is a professional presentation of the applicant’s profile, where the most unique competencies and credentials are saliently exposed before the prospective employers. All you need to do is to attach this powerful, success gathering device to your job application. Once you do this, the golden opportunities of your career will be bound to knock at your doorstep!

Know the Real Power!


You may be a smart guy or a highly credentialed individual among the lot, however, if you ignore the unequaled power of a proficient resume then you may, unfortunately, miss the success track of your career. You get the ability to break the shackles of your career only when you explore the real power of resume.

So, what are you thinking about? Contact a professional resume writing service today and find the most extraordinary opportunities of your career. Remember, ‘resume’ is the need of the time!

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Posted by on April 15, 2013 in Resume


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Job and Resume Services: A Great Advantage

The wide-reaching job and resume services have substantially replaced the quondam course of seeking employment in the job market. Newspapers, job advertisement posters, etc., have fallen back in the recent years with the outburst of cost-efficient online employment services. Expressing themselves as state-of-the-art resource tools for both the job seekers and recruiters, these online platforms have proved to significantly bridge the gap between unemployment and employment.

Resume Services

For employers, these web services come out as spectacular means of determining appropriate individuals to fill in the designated job positions. On the other hand, the employment questers can consider these services as some of the helpful horizontals where they can base their job search processes. Finding the right job as per the needs of one’s career also becomes easy with the use of these services.

By affiliating to any of the competent curriculum vitae making services, the aspiring job applicants can deepen the proficiency of their job applications in a much effective mode. They may also target a fixed group of audiences associated with the applicants’ professional industries which will help in alluring important job opportunities. The employment services supply influential spaces where the job candidates can upload their expertly formulated resumes and get their profiles viewed by a number of prominent employers all over the world. Besides, they can go through the various job listings rendered by the employers and apply for specific jobs as per their requirements.

The job portals have changed their impression by adding several other features that represent as phenomenal tools of getting into the forefront of a hard-boiled job competition. These features assist the job seeking individuals to develop their professional attitudes, gain definite information about job interviews and the professional ways of facing them, ensure an efficacious career development, etc.

Over the years, the job and resume services have made a momentous share in bringing the job searchers and employers within close distances. In fact, they have altogether transformed the employment seeking process in a more modernized manner. It’s an excellent idea for the ambitious job seekers to regard these advantageous services, so that they can ascertain a favorable development in their vocations.

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Posted by on March 21, 2013 in Career, Resume Services


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Career Development – What is it?

‘Career Development’ – Many of you must have observed the career counselors stressing on this concept several times. However, have you ever tried to know its basic meaning and the significance that it holds in one’s professional life? Well, the unique conception of career development is determined as a womb-to-tomb activity, which plays a major role in the constitution of one’s work individuality. It is regarded as a continuous process because it constantly enhances the professional career of the aspiring individual.

Career Development

The Definition

Acting as a unique feature in each one’s career, career development is meant to be a ceaseless journey where an individual begins to identify his core profession, as and when his personality, interests, and skills start to develop in his life. The journey starts off with the individual’s primeval familiarity with different modes of making a living and the desperate exploration of various professions available. It proceeds while engaging with one particular professional field and further making advancements in the same sector. This ultimate process may also include transformations in employment and the professional field itself.

Constituents Impacting Career Development

As a part of human development, career development is studied to be influenced by a number of constituents that put a great impact individually and also through mutual interaction among themselves. These constituents are also learned to impact other facets of human development.

The Individual Personality

Career development hangs on three main personality components, viz., personal values, likings, and character. If one has to ensure a durable improvement in the professional life, he must consider receiving profound insights about these vital components. Executing a self-assessment examination is a fine way to gain knowledge about one’s personality characteristics.

The Community Circle

Another factor which modifies the career development of a person is the community circle he functions in. A community can include acquaintances, well wishers, family members, co-workers, and other group of people who are in regular contact with the person. Any community that the person is associated with has the potential to impact the thinking style, working fashion, beliefs, and mental cognition which in turn influence career growth.

Involuntary Factors

Sometimes even an ambitious job seeker can fall under the impaction of involuntary factors which cannot or barely be controlled. These factors are generally the unexpected life events, financial breakdowns, family problems, and other issues that are more pertinent to the private life of the individual.

Career Development

Any individual excelling in these constituents can look forward for a remarkable career. The best method to improvise on career development is by learning the occupational or vocational goals and joining the forces to come up with an effective career plan.


Posted by on March 12, 2013 in Career


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Resume Services Under the Magnifying Glass

Resume Services Under the Magnifying Glass


There are thousands of resume writing services who sell their best deals to the consumers. However, not all of them fall under the category of ‘best resume writing services’. “Prizewinning and indisputable results at affordable prices” – How does that sound? Great right? Well, in order to get that, you got to use your investigator magnifying glasses to carefully assess the offers presented by each resume consultant. Winning a job in New York’s reputed firm was close to impossible for me until I landed upon a helpful resume writing website, which steered my career ship in the right direction. I did not try anything fancy; just followed three steps: research, communication, and execution.

Research is the first and most vital step that should be regarded while opting for any resume service. Spend enough time in going through the websites and other informational platforms of these services to pick up their pros and cons. Yes, you got to consider the cons too. No service is perfect; but the effort to be perfect is what matters. Now, how can you examine the efforts of the resume services? Here’s where you shift to the next gear – Communication! Dial the number, draft an email, or open the live chat window to check their willingness to help and genuineness towards work.

As per the latest review on the resume writing services in the United States conducted by the experts, Professional Resume Writing Services hits the top position.

A) Professional Resume Writing Services

Rank: #1

Expert’s Rating: 4.5 / 5


Pro Resume Writing Services

Pro Resume Writing Services


  • Delivers desirable resume service within 48 hours. Also offers rush service with delivery within 24 hours
  • Presents cost effective packages. Besides, offers interview thank you letter and cover letter along with the package at an affordable cost
  • Offers true and exact sample work with professional online support


  • Does not offer cover letter and other job search documents separately
  • Average provider of job seeking and interviewing tips

B) ResumeEdge

Rank: #2

Expert’s Rating: 3.5 / 5


Resume Edge

Resume Edge


  • Offers proficient consultants to discuss about the job profile
  • Helps to get prepared for the job interview
  • Offers limitless online support


  • Takes 72 hours to deliver the product. No urgent service available
  • Offers only two packages with average services available

C) Resume Writer USA

Rank: #3

Expert’s Rating: 3 / 5


Resume Writer USA

Resume Writer USA


  • Offers a good range of payment methods
  • Offers a complimentary reference page with cover letter and resume
  • Provides information about interview and employment search procedures


  • Prices vary according to the number of pages and extra details that need to be updated
  • Main focus is solely upon federal and military resumes rather than all professionals fields of the industry

You are the best judge to evaluate the resume services as per your requirements. Your career is important; use your best magnifying glasses to single out the precise service to design an enhancive resume for your job application. Tout le meilleur!

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Posted by on March 7, 2013 in Resume Services


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